Autor: Joanna Wiśniewska

Erasmus+ Edukacja szkolna

projekt akredytowany

The photo was taken in a partner school in Marchena, spain during the teaching assignment activity. The students prepared typical spanish dishes and were supposed to present them to the teacher from Poland and Italy. The teachers' task was to choose the best Spanish dish. The event was full of emotions and a great fun for all participants, but also a chance to practice English.

  • Autor:

    Szkoła Podstawowa im. Stanisława Dąmbskiego w Rudnej Wielkiej

  • Program Selfie+:

    Erasmus+ Edukacja szkolna

  • Tytuł projektu:

    Masterchef in Spain

  • Akcja:


  • Kategoria:

    Twój projekt w jednym ujęciu